Sunday, June 28, 2009

Honesty-A key to a Relationship

Ahh..atlast I am finally writing an article after such a long time..i am actually overwhelmed to write an article on a quality which is most vital according to me to form bonds of TRUST in human relationships!!

Honesty, as per its definition, is obviously the act of telling the truth and is a state of mind. It is an ATTITUDE...a CODE. Today in our modern materialistic society we really need the trait and quality of honesty. But before that we must learn what the word ‘honesty’ means? Different people will have different opinions about honesty like—

1) Telling the truth.

2) Being truthful, trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and loyal with integrity.

3) A straightforward conduct.

4) Free from fraud or deception, humble, innocent, simple and creditable.

5) Opposite of lying, the opposite of bluffing, the opposite of hypocrisy and the opposite of deceit.

To me ‘honesty’ is the NAME OF SINCERITY; it's the PURITY OF HEART and also the reverence for GOD!!

One needs to be honest with oneself and needs to understand WHAT IS THAT YOU WANT and THE REASONS YOU WANT IT!! This way, you won’t hurt anybody’s feelings.

From a woman’s point of view, there are two types of honesty:

1) Honesty seeking a reaction or approval from someone else.

2) Being honest with you and not seeking a reaction from anyone else and being GENUINE.

When you are honest with a woman, do not expect a reaction you are being a man. Women will respect you so much more if you are honest with them.

By being honest to woman would convey all the right signals. It shows her that you know what you want, which MOST MEN DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS THEY WANT and get into a relationship for the wrong reasons!!

I’ve seen many men who are scared to tell the truth, befooling themselves, because they think it is wrong or it’s going to scare the woman away. But the fact is the more you lie to women the more problems you are causing in the relationship!!

It confuses me so much to why men lie to woman when it is ultimately going to result in causing more pain..??

There are people who say, “Ohh I simply forgot to tell u about this in this situation, or forgot to tell you about that in a situation..” N guess, you would never gonna be believable!! Thus, BELIEVABLE-NESS is critical in the HONESTY!! When a question comes up and the other person wants to know, give it the full picture because when you do not give a full picture, your credibility will certainly go down to ZERO!!

Wot I personally believe is dat , “Its better to clear the air in the beginning that to have questions after the facts”

Honesty is something which shines like a light through your eyes!!


"The foundation stones for a balanced success in a relationship or otherwise are--Honesty, Character, Integrity, Faith, Love and Loyalty"


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