Thursday, February 17, 2011
This is one of those concepts all you guys are familiar with but find it bit hard to define. Many a times your close mates tend to tell you to stop acting kiddish, and behave like grown ups. To them I’d say “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, BUT we actually grow old because we stop playing!!”
It is sometimes misinterpreted that playfulness is a sign that a person hasn't grown up. But actually being playful is in no manner co-related with a difficulty in being serious!
There’s this famous biblical quote we learnt in school, which says, “Now that I am a man, I have put away childish things.” The incitement to be grown up about life and take things seriously is pretty well understood, but boy, do we really heed it?? Well I’d guess “NO” You think society has a real down on playfulness. On that I’d again say, “OFCOURSE NOT”
According to me, its something that is really exciting, intoxicating and it nurtures the part of us that still feels like a kid!!
Many psychologist & researches have also claimed that being playful is a great EMOTIONAL RESOURSE. I’d read this somewhere (though I don’t remember the exact sources) that states “A couple that plays together, stays together!”
And according to me, some of the best playful moments happen spontaneously. For instance acting coyly or affectionately teasing “your-that-someone” can be considered as a “romantic kind of playfulness”.
It is something that is very essential component in building healthy relationships – your connections with family, friends, your co-workers, your lover everybody.
More importantly, it is to be in the moment that makes the “play” possible. The more often you laugh, the more you enjoy with your fellow mates, the more playful you are with them, the more it keeps them by your side. Such acts are somewhat contagious. By that I mean, the moment others hear the laughter primes, their respective brains send signals for a bright smile and there arises a willingness to join in on the fun.
It’s never too late to develop and embrace your playful side. As a baby you were always playful. So why let that so-called concern of “how you’d look” or “how you’d sound” to others limit your playfulness??!
Just loosen up a little bit, identify things you already enjoy, and incorporate playful activities in it. Embrace your playful nature with other people! :D
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