Saturday, April 20, 2013

A sweet glimpse of National Integration :)

A small incident I’d like to share,
It was this time when I was traveling on foot for my some work in a bylane of a bylane in one of the very old area of the ahmedabad city. It was some Christmas time ‘2011, and the innumerable narrow lanes in the area resembled the ‘veins’ in a human body. These houses looked rickety but tempting. They were painted in a specific ancient pattern. The road I was traveling through was a so-called Hindu area. My eyes caught the sight of a highly decorated crib where baby jesus was just born. There were these huge speakers next to the crib, with loud music to which a 10 yr old was dancing. And the song on which he was dancing was this composition by Pakistani sufi rock band, ‘Sayoneeee, chain ek pal nahiiii’!!
My country cutessttt! :)


Amit said...

nice thoughts..

Krishna Mishra said...

Observations and experience that's what i see in all your posts but I wonder why you stop writing blogs. I am not a critic but I must say there are some nicely sited stories in your blogs. :-)

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